Pre-season is now in full swing, and our dedicated students are gathering every Monday to tackle various marketing tasks, including seeking sponsorships, establishing a social media presence, and designing club apparel. Join us in shaping the future of our club!
New Students Learning Coding & CAD
The basics of Java coding and CAD are being taught to the new students by returning students, and in the coming weeks, WPILib documentation and building basics will be explored.
The lead is being taken by the Juniors and Seniors, which is a great way for everyone to learn.
New Teaser Available
This is the 4th and final teaser fo the upcoming season!
You can find some analysis and speculations on what the game could be on Chief Delphi.
Robotics Design Resource from NASA
NASA created a Robotics Design Guide with and for robotics teams. It outlines the various systems and provides guidance on the design process. An excellent manual for the team to review before the season starts in January! See: